Family Life With God Parenting


Tonight we had to eat tuna sandwiches. We have sworn off credit cards here in the Campbell house and are really trusting that God will give us what we need. If we don’t have it… we don’t need it.

So, we have tuna. That makes it tonight’s dinner.

The kids are all cooperating differently. Ian ate it. Kirstie ate it and talked about how she didn’t like it, but she was going to eat it anyway (with a smile!) Julia ate it with mom’s help. Alex is not. (Par for the course with him.)

Should be interesting learning to live on what God gives us. Tuna is only one manifestation of that choice.

So far, so good 🙂


I Eat Bark

I (Greg) made a feast for dinner tonight… just for fun. I baked some salmon with butter and dill, then made some home made mashed potatoes, and added some fresh cooked veggies. And, at the last minute, added some fresh brewed sweet tea!

Surprisingly, Julia loved the Salmon. A LOT! So she ate and ate, and when it was all gone, she discovered two pieces of the skin I had peeled off for her. Her eyes lit up, and she grabbed them in her tiny little hands and stuffed the WHOLE giant piece in her mouth! I expected it would come right back out, but she chewed, swallowed, and reached for the next one!! Hilarious! What kid WANTS to eat fish skin??

But the best part was a couple minutes later. I had gotten down to get something off the floor, and then stayed next to her for a moment longer. While I was there, she looked at me with her most sincere face, and said, “I eat bark.”

It took a second to understand what she meant, but once I figured out she was talking about the fish skin, I got quite a good belly laugh out of it. 🙂

She IS a cutie! A little gross… but a cutie! 🙂